The annual MAXQDA user conference was hosted by the Marburg Research Group for Methods & Evaluation from 2010 to 2016. Do you want to know more about the CAQD? Christina Silver’s conference report in the „Forum: Qualitative Social Research“ provides detailed insights into the CAQD 2013.
Furthermore, you will find programs, posters and keynotes of former MAXQDA user conferences in our archive:
- Prof John Creswell held the keynote “Advances in Mixed Methods Research”. We will provide the presentation here very soon. Meanwhile, you can find a recording of the lecture on youtube.
- Prof. Dr. Udo Kuckartz & Dr. Stefan Rädiker held the second keynote titled “New Functions in MAXQDA 12: Featuring Mixed Methods”. You can also download their presentation here.
1st Prize:
Prof Lory Janelle Dance, PhD: Difference and Deviance and Threat, Oh My – MAXQDA-ing Media Discourses of Social Death about Marginalized Youths in Sweden and the U.S.
Gvantsa Salukvadze & Temur Gugushvili: MAXQDA and MAXApp in the field of data collection and analysis in Tourism Study (Example of Kazbegi Municipality)
Frauke Düwel: Fach- und fremdsprachliche Vorkenntnisse von Studierenden des Höheren Lehramtes Chemie (6. Fachsemester) – Visualisierungs-möglichkeiten mit MAXQDA zur Auswertung qualitativer Daten -
Special Prize: “Teaching & Learning”
Dr. Antoni Casasempere: The Design Map as a heuristic tool to resolve a research and the implementation of MAXQDA 12 on the process
Special Mention Poster
Hiroto Shimizu: A Quasi-systematic Issue-Analysis Method using MAXQDA – Reconstructing the Controversy around the Diagnostics and Pharmacotherapeutics of Depression in Japanese Psychiatric Journals
Katrin Blankenburg: Der Schatz liegt beim Kreuz oder Wie Visual Tools Hinweise auf Besonderheiten und Beziehungen von Daten liefern können
Ann-Cathrin Obermeier, Kristina A. Frey, Martin Bonsen: Wundertüte – Assoziationsstrukturen aufdecken. Verwendung des Code-Relations-Browsers
Nina Brück: Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse und MAXQDA in der Moralforschung
- Prof. Dr. Juliet Corbin talks about Grounded Theory from a biographic point of view
- Prof. Dr. Udo Kuckartz talks about “The Digital Revolution of Qualitative Research” regarding 20 years of CAQD conference
in English
Karen Andes, PhD, Emory University, Georgia, USA: QDA Bootcamp: An intensive data-driven approach to teaching qualitative data analysis with MAXQDA.
Dr. Antoni Casasempere, Prof. Marisa Vercher, CualSoft, Alcoy, Spain: The role of personal emotional tutoring on a MAXQDA eLearning system
K.-Ulrike Nennstiel, Masami Nakata, Tomoo Nakata, Hokusei Gakuen University, Sapporo, Japan; Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan: Analyzing a Long Interview in Japanese with MAXQDA: Evaluation and Standardization in the Japanese Education System
Prof. Bijay K. Kandel, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, India: Mixed Method Research: Combination of MAXQDA and Statistical Tool. Corporate Social Responsibility through Empowerment.
in German
Stephanie Carl, Kristin Geisler, Julian Klehr, imug Beratungsgesellschaft für sozial-ökologische Innovationen, Hannover, Germany: MAXQDA Anwendung in der quantitativen Markforschung
Dr. Ina Rust, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany: MAXQDA-Einsatz in einem ganzheitlichen Seminarkonzept zur Qualitativen Sozialforschung
Dr. Ina Rust, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany: Qualitative Lehrforschungsprojekte im Rahmen einer studentischen Tagung
Prof. Udo Kuckartz: Computer-Assisted Qualitative Content Analysis with MAXQDA
in English
Kamil Sijko, Polish Educational Research Institute: Mixed-method research: synergy of CAQDA and statistical software. Exampla from study on institutional surrounding of schools in Poland.
in German
Silke Grinke, Universität Graz: Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse nach Mayring mit MAXQDA. Was ist Vertrauen in der LehrerInnen-SchülerInnen-Beziehung? Eine explorative Untersuchung.
Olivia Mitas, University Münster: Thematisches Codieren mit MAXQDA: Vergleichende Fallstudien über kooperative Unterrichtsentwicklung.
Annegret Schaal, Anja Schwiecker, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin: Induktive Kategorienbildung innerhalb diskursiver Zusammenführungen mittels MAXQDA. Darstellung der Arbeitsschritte am Beispiel der qualitativen Auswertung von Focus Groups.
Katriina Vasarik Staub, Marco Galle, Universität Zürich: Zur Qualität der computergestützten qualitativen Datenanalyse in grossen Forschungsprojekten: Herausforderungen, Möglichkeiten, Voraussetzungen.
Prof. Nigel Fielding: 20 Years of Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis
Prof. Clive Seale: Secondary Qualitative Data Analysis | Download presentation
Prof. Margrit Schreier: Qualitative Content Analysis | Download presentation
Prof. Udo Kuckartz: Computer-Assisted Qualitative Content Analysis with MAXQDA | Download presentation
Prof. John Creswell: Introduction to Mixed Methods Research | Look at presentation (ATTENTION: Only online available, not downloadable.)
Prof. Nigel Fielding: Contemporary trends in qualitative research and the use of qualitative software | Download presentation | Watch video
Prof. Jo Reichertz: Konjunkturen in der qualitativen Sozialforschung. Ein persönlicher Erfahrungsbericht
in English
Francisco Freitas, University of Coimbra, Portugal: From data to information: exchanging and analyzing an extensive dataset between different software packages
in German
Prof. Dr. Heinz Ahn & Yvonne Höfer, TU Braunschweig, Germany: MAXQDA in a University Seminar
Dr. Melanie Behrens, Universität Köln, Germany: Topic-based Coding as a Starting Point for the Computer Assisted Analysis of the Understanding of Movement in Education and Orientation Plans as well as College and University Curricula with MAXQDA
Claudia Gassmann, Universität Hildesheim, Germany: Implementation of a “Mixed Method Design”. Perceived difficulty of lesson planning in university teacher education internships – A qualitative content analytical approach
Anke Kock, Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung, Germany: Autocoding using MAXQDA: Benefits and Limits
Katharina Köhler & Annett Wojtaszek, Universität Lüneburg, Germany: Using Analysis Software in Research Groups (Teamwork Process, Problems, etc.)
Dr. Markus Scholz, University of Education – Weingarten, Germany: Visual Identification of Diverging Representations for Archetype Description of Quantitative Econclusions
Claudia Unger, Universität Erfurt, Germany: Qualitative Analysis of Websites: Saving, Preparing and Analyzing
- Prof. Dr. John Creswell: Mixed Methods | Download presentation
- Prof. Dr. Udo Kuckartz: Mixed Methods in QDA | Download presentation